
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi Folks!

Am I the only one who has noticed the fine sense of humor displayed on GH icons?

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What i find really strange is the amount of icons that get redrawn on every release. They really let David do whatever he wants.
That's David for RhinoScript 101 and you'll find even more of it in there...from pg. 18

Dim person
person = GetPersonOverThere()
colHair = GetHairColour(person)

If IsGirl(person) And (colHair = Blond Or colHair = Brunette) And (Age(person) >= 18) Then
Dim neighbour
neighbour = GetAdjacentPerson(person)
If Not IsGuy(neighbour) Or Not LooksStrong(neighbour) Then
Rhino.Print "Hey baby, you like Heineken?"
RotateAngleOfVision 5.0
End If
End If
I asked him after about the 2nd or third release if offloading the icon work to someone in the community, obviously someone who would do it for free (I was willing to help), if it would help free up time to work on the programming.

I figured a programmer would find making icons laborious and boring, but he replied back that he likes making the icons, it gives him a mental break.

That would lead me to believe that if the icons are getting redrawn a lot he must be working hard on the core and needs a lot of "icon breaks". ;-)

By the lack of humoured replies I guess people don't duplicate data that much...
My personal favourite is the Random icon. Too bad most people don't get it though.
But drawing a recognizable cat in 12x12 pixels is definitely a personal best for me.
Schördinger would kill you just for ripping his joke off and discovering that the cat actually WAS in the box...
Speaking of cats...the one that was temporarily used for the Flatten Tree icon was pretty darn funny...

BTW sorry I wasn't @ SIGGRAPH...something "came up"
I think having one icon of cat cruelty is enough. As a cat owner i was pretty happy when the flatten icon was changed... athough it was probably a more accurate representation of what the component does than the current icon.
It is still in the Smash command button in Rhino...I hear no complaints there ;)






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