
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


I am a new grasshopper user, trying to make grasshopper read/understand a series of texts/numbers in rhino. How can i do this, is this same way as if i had a curve in rhino and implemeted in grasshopper with the crv component, but with using a number or integer oe text component ?

Thank you.

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To my knowledge, there is no way to pass text data since Rhino to Grasshopper, Rhino displays the text as curves, surfaces or breps, but the text data is only visual, no funcional. This depends on what you want to do. Maybe you should enter text in grasshopper with a panel, or with Num component>set multiple numbers, and display in Rhino with text tag 3d component.


Thank you Daniel for you reply,

I want to do it the other way around, if the text was already in rhino .. Is it possible that grasshopper cannot understand or read a text already written in rhino ?

With native components of Gh, I do not think you can. Perhaps with script can translate to gh text the ID of the text data in rhino, but I have no idea. Maybe I'm wrong, but I don't think so.

Alright, thank you Daniel for your help.


here is an example using a vbscript component.  Reference in the text from rhino, (this works with numbers), into GH using a GUID param.

outputs text value and converts to 3dpoint based on text value. (that part was writted/suggested by vincente solar in a different thread).

I think a some other plugins have richer functionality.  Try human tools as well.


Wow this is brilliant, thank you so much Chris.

Cheers :)

I got the help from someone else when I was looking for it, the least I could do was pass it along.  With that said, in this case, I would definitely take a look at  Lots of handy utilities.

Also, while there is almost always some plug-in that pretty much does whatever it is you are looking for....don't be afraid to dig into a scripting language to try to accomplish a task.  A little scripting knowledge can go a long way sometimes.






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