
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

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Error --> Curve to Brep

I am fairly new to grasshopper; I've been working with a diagrid panel definition and I have ran into this problem that the "1. Data conversion failed from Curve to Brep". I have figured out that it is because the curve/surface is not planar. How can I fix this error using a non-planar curve/surface?

This is the surface that I am trying to use the diagrid panels on.…


Added by Roshon Bonner on November 6, 2017 at 9:18am — No Comments

two+2 | Object Internship Program

two+2 | Object Internship Program

two+2 is a 3 month long work and study internship program for anyone interested in parametric design, Building Information Modeling (BIM), coding, machine learning, digital fabrication and architecture.


The participants of this program will spent 4 days a week at the Object office in Poznan, Poland…


Added by Object on November 3, 2017 at 5:41am — 3 Comments

Grass of glass - glowing interactive meadow

Hello Community,

long time no see. Updating my portfolio and found this on my harddrive...

It was actually just a doodle, but it´s nice to have such an impressive output without putting too much effort into it (lazy me).

you can get the definition here: …


Added by Florian von Wey-Lübeck on November 2, 2017 at 2:52am — 2 Comments

visualising the density of a 3D point cloud

Does anyone know what the best way to do this is? I have been trying to do this with a gradient by finding the relative distances between points and can't work it out.


Added by Giorgi Smith on October 26, 2017 at 7:10pm — 2 Comments

Creating a closed brep from surfaces to trim curves

Hi everyone, 

I am trying to trim curves where they extend outside a collection of surfaces. To do this I am trying to use the trim command and I need to convert the surfaces into a closed brep. Does anyone know how to do this or if this doesn't work is there an alternative way to trim the curves?



Added by Giorgi Smith on October 26, 2017 at 5:41pm — 3 Comments

Kangaroo 2.41 - including beams and curvature continuity

The big new feature here is beams. This was one of the main motivations for adding 6 degree of freedom nodes, and something I've been meaning to include in Kangaroo for several years.

Before, with only 3 degree of freedom nodes, it was very hard to model bi-axial bending behaviour and torsion. Now, when each end of the…


Added by Daniel Piker on October 21, 2017 at 6:31pm — 9 Comments

Forced Based Diagram - Space Requirements and Program

Hello Grasshoppers 

I recently came across this video by Alex Fischer and would really appreciate some direction on trying to accomplish it.

My former University teacher Andrei Jipa has been started helping me with these links below Example.csv, …


Added by Mr Kenneth Murphy on October 12, 2017 at 2:00pm — 2 Comments

Urgent: Final Year Project Inquiries


I am a civil engineering student at the American University of Beirut, and I'm working on a final year project with my colleagues that interests us in asking about Millipede's limitations. So we want to know if millipede can do structural analysis and "steel reinforcement design"? Or if you can guide us to another software related to Grasshopper that can do this? Any papers or reports that can also be of any help to achieve our goal?

Thanks in…


Added by Hala Sanboskani on October 2, 2017 at 8:23am — 2 Comments

how to get only the integers from a list

I want to get only the integers from this list. 

I thought of comparing two lists together and find a way to get these integers by finding the similar numbers in both lists, but I don't know how to do that. 

for example index 1 is similar in both lists so I want to get it, however, index 3 is different in both lists so I don't want it. …


Added by Ruby Muhandes on September 29, 2017 at 1:30am — 5 Comments

CarveRhino + CarveGH: A wrapper for the Carve mesh boolean library


"Carve is a fast, robust constructive solid geometry library. (fork from"

"CarveSharp is a .NET wrapper for the fast and robust…


Added by Tom Svilans on September 25, 2017 at 6:30am — 1 Comment

from random to orto

i need to make a canvas that change the curve in A to the curve in B.

For the black polyline i attempt to find the intersection and the common point but sometimes they are not the same.

I tried to use the offset+ slide curve command to solve the green blue problem but it won't work too.

finaly i want to make that polyline orto.

I use the pull…


Added by stefano branca on September 25, 2017 at 2:40am — 1 Comment

Toggle Wire Display for Selected Objects

I forked this post:

Toggles between default and hidden only for the Selected Objects

Does not check current state, just hides or Shows all input wires for all Selected Objects.…


Added by gotjosh on September 24, 2017 at 4:04am — No Comments

Create Topographic Contours In ArchiCAD Using Rhino+GH 1/2

Hi guys,

Click on the pic to get the manual and a trial file, made for ArchiCAD users that had no idea of #Grasshopper

Hope you enjoyed it.

Added by Nader Belal on September 17, 2017 at 6:25pm — 4 Comments

Facade Module - Smart distribution of shapes


I present a rather complex case, in my opinion.

I'm developing some facade modules. These modules are metal plates that I will repeat systematically, one after the other. Each module has cut out some figures that constitute the drawing of them. These are 5 different shapes that are repeated and organized as seen in the photos posted.

The problem is that I want to optimize the amount of trimmed surface (I want it to be the minimum). The position of each…


Added by Federico Bonessi Baade on September 11, 2017 at 9:26am — 2 Comments

Parametric VR


have any of you tried working with either Houdini and/or Archimatix ?

I just wondered how they compare to Grasshopper.

Thanks, Ben

Added by Benjamin Storch on August 16, 2017 at 7:24pm — 6 Comments

A Smooth Connection in 3D Space

At first I made it by GH+Weaverbird, just like the second picture shows(the red one).

After that I find a easier…


Added by Abel_HYH on August 14, 2017 at 3:30am — 1 Comment

Mesh Streaming to Unity3d & Augmented Reality using Vuforia

Just finished this project sending GH meshes through UDP to Unity3d and creating augmented reality using Vuforia. Please leave a comment if you also find this inspiring ;)


Added by Yuxiang Zhang on August 11, 2017 at 6:00am — 8 Comments

fractal brep


Added by EHSAN SAMADI on August 9, 2017 at 11:21am — No Comments

sequence of numbering intersections problem

Hi does someone have an idea on how to do this ?

I have a guilloche/rose curve and want to number the intersections it makes in the blue plane in the order of intersection.

The start is marked with the green arrow, now the numbers are semi random and I want to number the first intersection with 1 second intersection with 2 and so on.

what approach do I need to take here ?…


Added by Labory on August 7, 2017 at 1:47am — No Comments

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