
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


I created a curved surface and I want to create panels with flat triangles.
The problem is that I just see "some" panels, after applying the component...
Why there are empty parts?

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The reason you are only seeing "some" of the panels, is because of the value that is in the Pn input, (pattern string), of the ptMPanel component.

The current string is (0,0)(0,1)(1,1)(0,0).  This string tells the component which order to connect the points in the grid to create a panel.  One way to think about it is if you consider your grid to be made up of rectangles.  Each rectangle has a starting point, (let's say lower left), of 0,0.  The next point is (0,1), then (1,1), and finally closing back at (0,0).  This creates one triangle panel, (half of the rectangle).  

You can input more than one connection string.  (As shown in the image) .  Adding the connection string of (0,0)(1,0)(1,1)(0,0) will complete the other panel you are looking for. (input the strings into a panel, don't forget to change the panel to multi-line data).  

Hope that helps!

Thank you very much Chris!!!
I followed your advice but I think I did it longer...I had to create another ptMPanel component and to write the second string. 






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