
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi Everybody,

I am playing around with a certain design based on the formation of a pyrite crystal (See attached images). I am pretty well versed in grasshopper and can create the shape of the crystal by modeling with that or with Rhino. However, I was hoping to use Galapagos to randomize the process that the pyrite would go through in its natural environment. I know this program can do what I desire, but having never used Galapagos before I didn't know where to start.

Basically I want a tower approximately 200 -300 feet tall that has these cubic crystals jutting out the sides of it. My original thought was to have a number of smaller cubes (40 for example) hovering around a larger mass that is the desired height. I would then have Galapagos find the shortest distance between the small cubes and the large mass, thus merging the two together and creating multiple configurations of what a pyrite crystal may look like.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you,


Views: 3128


Replies to This Discussion

look into Diego's will find many crystal growth definitions, upon which you might build.


See also this "pseudo-crystal growth" posting:

...and posting images is why I can never find any of my previous replys:

Hey guys, thanks for the quick responses. Diego has some very cool stuff on his page..however I did not see any definitions. When I go to his projects tagged with "crystal" or "growth," there are only images. Am I missing where the definitions would be located or does he just keep those private? Also Taz, that pseudo-crystal is very cool.

I'm not sure if these definitions are what I'm looking for but they will be a good starting point. I'll have to look into both of your options in more detail tonight after work and I'll post a solution to my question if I come up with one.

Thanks again,






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