
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

This is a question for the tekkies,

supposing you want to optimize your computer to run grasshopper and since this program only uses one thread, is it better to leave hyperthreading on or off?

Take for example the Intel 2700k or the 3770k both of which have 4 cores and 8 threads. With hyperthreading on while stress testing on grasshopper, I only get 12.5% of cpu usage. And with hyperthreading off I get 25% of usage. But of course 12.5% of 8 threads is the same as 25% of 4 threads. So I'm not sure if its better to leave it on or off...


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In fact it doesn't matter.

If you have 8 threads in HT, each thread may see a little slowdown because of the other thread using the same ressources on the core. With only a single thread running, there will be no competition for ressources.

I guess I'll just leave HT on. It's a shame that GH isn't multi-threaded. 





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