
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi everyone,

I am posting this in the general forum also, since I do not often get a response in the hoopsnake forum, though I think quite a lot of you here know how to use hoopsnake...

I am stuck with hoopsnake at activating a second hoop within the first.

I am trying to find the closest points between a growing number of start points and a point collection. The first hoop, adjusts the start points. The second hoop should shrink the number of points in the point cloud.

The input for the second hoop does change correctly (see the attached panels). But somehow, it keeps outputting the original 50 points?

Any ideas? Thanks!

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Have you checked out the samples included with Hoopsnake?

I've never used a second Hoopsnake, but after playing with the sample file, it looks like a second Hoopsnake is always self-triggered, i.e., it activates itself when the data entering it meets a truth condition. But if this truth condition come from data which isn't feed to the second Hoopsnake, for example, when the count of another Hoopsnake surpasses some value, it won't can't be activated.

I hope I'm mistaken because this is rather limiting? I always thought the trigger could work when an iteration count surpassed a value.

PS: Why can't I upload files in this dialog box...? the sample file to look at is HoopSnake_2LR.ghx

Oh sorry about the mistake about not being able to upload files...

Here is the file. 


Dear Jesus,

yes, I checked that one as well. For some reason, it does not work in my definition.

I did figure out that I can do it manually, but that's not really the idea of hoopsnake. So when I first step the first hoopsnake, and then step the second hoopsnake, and again, it works.

Attached an updated definition, where that works..

I also tried to attach a Boolean to B or T, where it determines if the new point cloud number has changed.


Hi Anja,

I don't know if you know it, but it appears two hoopsnakes can't run at once (I at least didn't know it). So for the second hoopsnake to activate, the first one must first stop. This is done when the B* in HS1 is False. When HS1 stops the iteration counter of HS1 (the upper one) will give out 1 (or true). Input this into the T* of the HS2 and it will cause it to start. 

Hope this helps you out. 


Hi Jesus,

thank you so much for helping! Unfortunately, I can not get your definition to work? Looks like I am missing some connecting lines that I can not figure out.

I have tried though, to build something new with your explanation of HS components not able to run together. Basically, what should happen, is run HS1 once, then HS2 once, then HS1 again etc etc.

I tried to use a dispatch component to alternate between these (at even number, HS1 runs, at odd numbers HS2 runs). Outputting an alternating TRUE or FALSE boolean works, inputting these in the HS components does not appear to work?

I assume you meant something different then...?

updated definition:

-edit- ok, I understand why that does not work. I keep confusing the auto-loop and single step options of hoopsnake. Of course the iteration amount of HS1 does not increase when HS2 gets activated.


Alternating between HS1 and HS2 in an infinite loop is a good question, but I have no idea on the matter. Maybe it deserves a new discussion. If you do work it out could you post how it's done?

Now I can't open your new definition. I'll take a look later. BTW what is your work about? Seems interesting...

Hi Jesus,

I will continue to look at it today. I have not had time yesterday unfortunately!

I am working as an architect. We're designing a bridge in the middle of a Dutch forest. I'm trying something for a steel fence, made of generated tree branches :)






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