
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi all.

It seems to me that this is not an easy one.

I have a given spline. I would like to create a series of lines and arcs that approximates that spline. This is a baselilne of a curtain wall that I need to optimize a tad.

My constraints are.

1) I would like to limit the number of unique arcs. (five for instance)

2) Line segments should be a set lenght

I could only see this happening with something such as an evolutionary algorithm.. Any suggestions or hints to how to make one, or does anybody here have other good ideas for this type of problem.. it seems as if others would have had that problem before me...


Views: 4348

Replies to This Discussion

Hi Jes,

maybe this is not sophisticated enough, but did you see the _Convert Rhino command?

- Giulio

Hi Giulio, how are you?

I did see that command which is not far off.

However, with that I have no way of controlling the amount of unique arcs. As this will eventually become curved glass panes, I think someone would like me to optimize that further or it will cost a billion to manufacture... :-)

Oh I think I understand now the '5 unique arcs' constraint, in the sense that they will be then used several times. I do not not have specific Galapagos suggestions about this, though...

- Giulio

Hey Jes,

I have something for you. Maybe you can adapt to your problem.

Basically I changed an old costum component (I have placed it here a while ago) which turns an spline into an number of arcs. I just put some components in it to change this arcs into as much as possible equal radius and draw a new polyarc.

Have fun and ask if you do have questions!

Best Regards



Discussion that might be useful, though it may also be related to Giulio's suggestion:

Hi all,

from DeDackel's example though does anybody have any suggestions to keep the curvature continuity?






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