
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi Guys,
Is there a way i could identify two points that have the same coordinates in space (equilvalent of seldup)?

thanks, arthur

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Arthur, the exact same coordinates, or coindicent-within-tolerance?

David Rutten
Poprad, Slovakia
Hi David,

Here is what i am trying to do:

I have a list of points in space from which i want to delete points that are too close to one another.
The goal is too make a delauney from the resulting pt list which would be lighter as i am dealing with 90000pts.

So far i managed to identify the points i want to get rid of (see image) but i didn t manage to remove them from my list and thus create a new lighter delauney.

Would you know how i could do this?It would be great!

Also i thought if we could select points which are within a certain distance from one another (a seldup within tolerance) then i could just delete them manualy and do a delauney...
Unfortunately the select duplicate command doesn't ask for a tolerance value...

What do you think would be the best way to do this?

Mant thanks
Here Daniel shows a few components he has been working on to remove duplicates...
Thanks a lot Luid, that's brilliant, it works perfect!
Would you know what s the logic behind it?
How would you make a custom-made grasshopper component like that?
You can make your own custom grasshopper components in 2 simple steps:

1) Ask David very nicely for the GH SDK (instructions not included)
2) Have extensive familiarity with the Rhino SDK (VB.NET) so you'll have half a chance of figuring out how to use the GH SDK







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