
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

for some reason when I try to create a mass addition of attractor points for the voronoi radius, the voronoi effect doesn't take place and all I get is circles with differrent radii.

maybe it has to do with the grafting that is not allowed in this component..can anyone help?  posted the ghx

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Hi Kipodi,

If you just omit that Graft component, something kind of a voronoi pattern will be generated. Is that what you're looking for? As far as I know (and based on what I just tested), you can enter either a value or a 'list' of values to the Radius input of a voroni component, but not a tree of data. 

Take a look a this definition: I guess it is what you want; isn't it?


P.S. You just need to provide it with a set of multiple points and an attractor point.

tnax dude it really helped





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