
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi again,

I have just started using  kangaroo today and I keep running into trouble. I have been trying to construct a mesh and subdivide it utilising one of the Weaverbird recursive subdivision algorithms and explode explore the forces provided by Kangaroo.

This is an image of what i would like to achieve:

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Replies to This Discussion

You're definition was practically there.  For this affect, you will need to assign anchor points, (either through some selection logic or manually assigning points within the mesh).  Screen shot of the definition below just added some anchor points manually.  Daniel also builtin a utility called "springs from mesh" that does a bit of the leg work for....well....creating springs from a mesh.

Also, try applying the WB subdivision options after the kangaroo component.  applying some catmull-clark subdibivsion after the picture frame can be kind of interesting as well.


Thank you so much for your response.

It worked perfectly and I have played around with colours as well.





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