
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


could someone post a code snippet on how to get the normal vector of a point on a surface? 

Any hints appreciated,


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Hi, You first need to get the UV coordinates using this:

Then you can use the property normal: 

I hope this helps,



thanks for that. It appears to work for the most part. One problem i have is that it doesn't always line up with GH's EvalSrf component. Sometimes the EvalSrf gives {0,1,0}(which is correct) while my C# code results in {0,-1,0} (which is not).

Any ideas?

Hm i realized some other things i dont understand. Here is what i would like to do: i have a bunch of planar trimmed surfaces (most have holes in them). I want to iterated over them and sum up their area, but only if they have a specific normal vector.

Here is what i have so far:

AreaMassProperties massProp = AreaMassProperties.Compute(surf);

Point3d cent = massProp.Centroid;

double u,v;
surf.ClosestPoint(cent, out u, out v);

SurfaceCurvature cur = surf.CurvatureAt(u, v);

Vector3d normal = cur.Normal;

double area = massProp.Area;

However, if i check the area in Rhino it gives a different result than AreaMassProperties.Area. And GH's EvalSrf component shows different(and correct) normal vectors than what i get with the code above.

Any hints appreciated,


The surface has a method NormalAt(u,v). Maybe, you get better results with that.

Also it's much easier to work with surfaces after reparametrizing - method .SetDomain

Mateusz: is there somewhere a description available, what SetDomain actually does? the docs are a bit short on that..

You can manually set the U and V domains of the surface. In GH we use reparametrize option to set it to 0 to 1 in both directions, however you can set it to any domain with code. It's just much more convinient to work with reparametrized surface, both in code and in grasshopper.





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