
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hello all,

I downloaded a waffle structure definition from DesignPlaygrounds ( Rodrigo Medina) to study it, I opened it with the lates gh update. And most of the components have a yellow sign across them that say "old" i try replacing some but it would give me an error.

see attached..


anyone know why


Views: 9468


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When an OLD icon is drawn on top of a component it means there is a newer one available. It also means that the component is no longer available from the toolbar.

Sometimes when a component is upgraded it no longer behaves exactly the same (indeed, why else would we need an updated version) so replacing them is not always straightforward. In the Solution menu you'll find an 'Upgrade Legacy Component' icon which can auto-replace some of the obsolete components. 

Note that there is nothing really wrong with using obsolete components. They work today as they worked yesterday. It is mainly a visual warning to tell you that when you create a new instance of the 'same' component, it won't actually be the same as the one you've already got.


David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

David, could you please move the "OLD" label. It's really irritating when working on a old project and you can't read out the name of the component. Sometimes there isn't enough time to spend on changing all the old components...

I'd rather try and write more auto-conversions. It's probably more work but much more useful in my opinion. Are there some components that are used particularly often I should focus on first?


David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

Have you done sort yet?

I haven't written any new ones since the last version went out.


David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

Pt XYZ would be nice, I bet it's used quite often so. Or maybe the possibility to turn on/off the labels after reviewing the old components until you have settled all auto-conversions.


We are using Galapagos to produce a schematic massing model and we found a particular example about it but we had the same problem about the "old" component sign. We've been trying to upgrade the components and also to replace them with the new ones but it doesn't work. The component that we can't upgrade is "fx1" and a "BoundingBox" one. So we need some help, please, any help just let us know. For any reference, we attach the link. Thanks.




The old definition worked fine for me.  The attached also works fine and uses the newer components.  Do you understand that you have to double-click on the Galapagos Component and activate the Solver?


Thanks for the attention but we still have the problem, obviously we run the galapagos and the solver started to work but there's nothing showing n the screen. Do you have any idea? We are using Rhino 5 and GH 9 last version.

Use the icons in the top right corner to adjust the number of intermediate configurations to be displayed while the solver is running.

Thanks I tried to do that but there's no display results n the rhino screen. Even when I open the file without running galapagos there's no geometries to show. Have you tried to open the files? Please let me know.

ummm... now that I openened it: The only component with an active preview is the mass addition at the very end. No previewable geometry there. To see something, you need to activate the preview for the geometry/component you want to have displayed.






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