
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

i was wondering what will be "better" to start learning or c++, for using with grasshopper. i think there is more people with vb, although a friend has told me it would be better c++ (he knows some of both but nothing of grasshopper)
what is people learning?

pd....vb, c# or c++? and i am completly NEW

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Well, in regards to GH, its a question of C# or VB, as there is no support for C++. Unless you're doing some fairly involved programming, there isn't really much of a reason to worry about C++. Its a great language, and incredibly capable, but unless you want to worry about memory management and garbage collection, it may be best to keep C++ at arms length.

The question of C# versus VB is really about 2-3 things. First of all, what kind of languages do you have experience in? If you've done some Rhinoscript, then the move to VB.Net will be fairly smooth. If you've coded with Processing, Java, javascript, or even PHP or Perl, then chances are C# might fit more into the syntax that you're used to. If you've never programmed before, then VB is probably going to be a bit more forgiving for you and somewhat easier to work with than C#.

Secondly, what are you expecting out of learning a language? Is programming within GH all you're looking to do, or do you possibly want to see what other programming tasks you can take on whether it be web stuff, other applications, etc. If you're programming aspirations extend beyond just GH, and you don't have preference one way or another, than I'd recommend learning C# to start out with. The reason being that there are a whole lot of languages out there that utilize variations on C style syntax, from processing to php and even actionscript. You can still do a lot with VB, but by in large VB is the only BASIC type syntax that you'll find out there. Although its easier to pick up VB syntax than C#, IMHO its easier to move from C style syntax to VB syntax than to move from VB to C style. That's just me however.

Thirdly, it also depends on how resourceful you consider yourself. A lot of examples around here are all posted in VB, since many have moved from Rhinoscript. So if you're going with C# then be aware that you're going to have to translate some of the examples and some of the help into C#. This isn't actually that much of an issue because although each language has a distinctly different approach to its syntax, what actually is being done, along with the classes that are being used are the same. So even if you're a VB coder, you should be able to look at some C# code and have some idea of what is going on. There are also VB to C# (and vice versa) converters out there on the web that work really well, so even if push comes to shove you've got options there.

Ultimately, there is no solid answer as to what is "better" to learn, and only you can answer that for yourself. Programming is something that is incredibly personal, so whatever you are most comfortable with is really the best answer for you. Although some languages are considered "easier" than others, programming is still something that takes a distinctly different state of mind and at some point (many points actually) you will be scratching your head wondering what the f*** is going on. Learning how to program is an ongoing process and something that takes many years to refine. Its very easy to be discouraged, so its very important that you stay as resilient as possible or else you'll never get anywhere.
something like that is what i needed.
i have nearly non experience with programming, so would take C#
Thanks for fast and detailed answer. Will try with the linked courses...until someone recommends me some diferent.
Thanks again,
Javier Zaratiegui






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