
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi David

In previous versions, the fx1, fx2 extended up to fx8. Now the maximum is fx3 and then we have to use the fxN component. Is there any chance of at least going up to fx6 as I frequently get students to write equations with more than 3 input variables in a text component which then is connected to the function input. With the fxN this is no longer possible. Many thanks


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What is no longer possible? The purpose of fxN is to be able to define your own number of inputs. If you right click on the component and go to Input Manager, you can add as many as you want. Am I missing something here?
Agree but what is no longer possible is the ability to input the function in a text box and feed this into function input. See the attached image
Okay...I get you...I think having an expression input for fxN would be better than bringing back individual components for different numbered expression. Let's see what David has to say about it.
This is indeed no longer possible, but it is also not a good solution to having the Expression visible on screen.

The Expression component itself should be capable of showing the string.

Is there a reason beyond seeing the expression for which you want to use the Text box?

David Rutten
Seattle, WA
When I set up tutorials for my students, I want to be able to see what expression that they have used so that when they do a screen dump, I can see reasons why they might not have got the correct answer. With the expression editor I would need to get them to send me the ghx file as well and makes marking a lot longer. At the moment I have to confine the tutorial examples to ones which only has three variables
I understand. I'll see what I can do.

David Rutten
Seattle, WA
Hi David

Many thanks






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