
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi David,

Please can you include an 'everything but' component of have it as a separate output from the existing list item.

Below highlighted in red is my current solution (after much um-ing and argh-ing), where I have a ship made up of polysurfaces, trimmed surfaces and untrimmed surfaces. After transforming by sinking and rotating both longitudinally and transversely I have Identified the item which is the Hull in order to split it at the waterline than everything else (the deck gear) gets coloured a different colour.

Best regards,
Danny Boyes

Views: 1510

Replies to This Discussion

Hi Danny,

sure. I'll add one of those.

David Rutten
Seattle, WA
Added: It's called CullIndex and it allows you to cull multiple items by index values:

David Rutten
Seattle, WA
Nice...Thanks David. An extended wish from this one, but you could you add the same "everything but" functionality to the SubList component. So "Cull Subset" or something like that...Thanks
Maybe instead of creating a new components for this functionality, just add an "invert" boolean input on the current components?

Unfortunately, they'll occupy more space in the canvas, but it would be nice some sort of effort in reducing the number of components.

I've mentioned this before so I'm sorry to repeat myself, but it would be great to be able to right click on top of a component and choose which inputs/outputs to show. Having the basic input/outputs as default, but being able to add more advanced functionality by adding additional inputs/outputs. For example, merge all the divide curve components, have as default output the resulting points. Right click on the right far side of the component and have a menu with the different kinds of plane outputs to add to the component.
Vicente, I really like that idea but it will take some time to implement it. I'm currently already chin-deep into 4 disjoint parts of the core and I really want to release a new version before Acadia (one month away).
Great, won't mention it again. The credit for this idea goes to the makers of Cinema 4D.
Wow, thanks. That was quick, did I catch you in an 'anything but' (the job at hand) moment? :)






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