
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi All,


there was a serious bug in the Image Sampler object which has been fixed. 0.8.0006 is now available for download and I've removed the 0.8.0005 installer.


Note: the installer for 0.8.0006 has the same name as 0.8.0005, so be careful if you still have the old one.


For a complete list of what's new since 0.8.0004, have a look at the 0.8.0005 announcement page.



David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

Views: 1338

Replies to This Discussion

that was fast, thankyou!

thanks David! install file has same name with previews version.

The link is damaged. It sends me to an error displayed by my browser.
The Transform data type is for geeks only. Rhino internally uses a 4x4 matrix to transform geometry. Unless you understand what all the numbers in the matrix mean, this is probably of no use to you.
Can you point out a reference for this?  My linear algebra is a bit fuzzy...


thats what i found about it... for a good start.

Hi taz,

Have a look at  this

Cheers, Evert

Great! Happy to have a new update to play with - but here's one small thing i've noticed already:

The new behavior of the number slider is really throwing a wrench into my workflow. I've got some pretty large definitions, and changing a single number sometimes has repercussions throughout the file.... the old version - where double-clicking brought up a dialog box where you could type in the desired number worked much better for me. These number scrollers with real-time updates are just killing my definitions. I would much prefer to be able to type in the max/min/value values as before.



Aside from this - great work, again!

If you now double click on the name area ie. slider by default, you still get the popup box as before. Then you can double click each scroller and manually enter the values you want. But have a look here at this discussion and add your 2 cents.

Ok. that works well enough. thanks!






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