
algorithmic modeling for Rhino



I'm looking to stretch a curve in Grasshopper. (Like cage edit)


So far, I'm not able to get an accurate result. I'm looking to get a curve with a similar shape than the original one.

(Original one on layer default, Curve expected on layer 1)


See attached a rhino and GH file.

Thank you

Views: 1063


Replies to This Discussion

If all you're doing is scaling the curve (2x2x2 cage-edit) then your existing solution is an accurate result.

Alternatively, finding the bounding box of the curve, getting the top left corner, and feeding that in to 'Point ? B to J' would get a more similar curve (but the end-point would suffer instead)

Unless you do some rotation or a more complex cage edit? (>1 input points either way) this is the most you're going to get I think.

EDIT: actually, rotating the curve first (so that the endpoints are on the same vector) before scaling it may work better(with or without the bounding-box suggestion, I'm not sure) . Sadly I've run out of free time to fiddle with this for the moment :(

@Vongsawat Wongkijjalerd 

Do you mind to send me the GH file you had modified?

I'm not sure if I understand your process

Thank you

@ Tom Jankowski


I'm working with a mac, and the my final version have to run on mac.


I never script before. Did you script in Python?


I try to Copy your script in a Python node, and I'm not able to make it works


See attached image of your script on a mac.


Can I do something to make it run on a Mac?


By the way, I try it on windows and it's exactly what I’m looking for.

Thank you


Tom Jankowski

Unfortunately not yet.


Do you know if it is a way to do what you did without c#? or in python?

Thank you

Hi Tom Jankowski


Thank you,


I have try with different curves, some time it give me weird result.


Also, do you mind to drive me through? I'm not really sure to understand all you did.


For example how did you come up with this graph? Why a square root?


Why 0.5 for Pi?

Thank you


Hi  Tom Jankowski

Thank you for the explanation, this is more clear now.







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