
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Mesh refinements based on proximity to attractor points

Hey everybody, I was wondering if someone could help me with the following:
I made a doubled curved surface and I placed attractor points with the result of having different heights.
Now I'd like to make my grid irregular in a sense that I place attractor points and it refines the mesh irregularly. The intensity of an attractor point will determine the intensity of the mesh (locally)

Views: 3195


Replies to This Discussion

Very interesting, I have a similar problem.
How you solved that problem?
Do you guys have [uto]'s mesh tools and Giulio Piacentino's Weaverbird plugins? These plugins very much extend the options you have with working with meshes in GH. With mesh tools you will be able to explode the mesh into a bunch of faces and test these for proximity to your attraction geometry. You can do a Dispatch based on this. Then the faces which are close enough can be subdivided with Giulio's Weaverbird components such as wbCatmull-Clark or wbLoop.

Is something like this what you are trying to achieve?

I know this is an old post, but I have the exact same problem, and am new to grasshopper, is this a definition you can share? or go into more detail with?



Hi Mike,


This should get you started.  Very similar to what Luis described above...

Be sure to have Weaverbird and Mesh Tools installed.  They are in your packet from class ...


Let me know if you have any questions.




my problem consist in the ricompose of the mesh.
And another problem is, how I can get a irregular tasselation?
Becouse your is a regular subdividation.
Thank you very much for your help





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