
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi all,
wondering if there are some friendly forums to ask more .net specific stuff? I have some questions that are related to GH stuff I am doing but are more or less pure .net...thus I do not want to bog this place down with general .net related queries.
If you know any good places to ask for general .net help, let me know!

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I always go to StackOverflow. It is by far the best forum I've ever seen.

You are expected however to ask fairly high-level questions. Anything that could be solved by a 2 minute Google search it pretty quickly downvoted...

David Rutten
Seattle, WA
I found that site a couple of weeks ago. It's a good place to learn about possible upcoming grasshopper features :P (particles in the canvas, components that rotate when you move them...)
I knew someone would figure that out sooner or later. :)

David Rutten
Seattle, WA
Yes...some interesting questions from one, David Rutten. Including one looking for UI inspiration. Isn't that the GH UI? Seams like recursion to me :)





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