
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hello everyone,


one more -probably not too smart- question.


There seems to be a limit on my fillet that I do not understand. The slider in my script can go further than this 5704, but the curve remains the same after that. The same happens with fillet distance.


Why can't I fillet these two lines with a bigger radius?


thanks! Anja






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there is a limit with this component which is for "filleting the sharp corners of a curve". The main issue here is cornerS if you have more than one corner to fillet each segment of the curve has to be able to cope with a fillet at the start and end of a segment therefore anything greater than half the length is going to fail.

If you want to over come this then there is a fillet at a parameter component where you specify the parameter of the corner you want this also come s with its only limitations though 

Fillet will only work until the fillet hits the middle of one line. This also applies to Rhino fillets

Ah, thanks, fillet at parameter (0) solves the problem.

I already figured it looked a lot like the fillet stopped at half the length. Know I understand why ;)






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