
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

index out of range??? error with kangeroo- all workign apart form very last stage...

For some reason my kangaroo script wont run, it goes red and says 

1. Solution exception:Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection.
Parameter name: index

Is this referring to the original point I selected at the beginning of the not sure which part its referring to that negative...

gh script attached its all internalised

Many Thanks

Views: 1927


Replies to This Discussion

Hi Sarah-

I couldn't find the bug in your has to do with your second hinge force, although it seems to be referencing all of the correct points.   I'm guessing there was something funny with the input any event, I've just gone ahead and remodeled it a bit simpler, and it seems to work fine. You'll need weaverbird...


Thank you so much, look great- although the reason i was doing the original script was i wanted to then multiple it so i had a grid of triangles attached just by their corners so they all hinge together- do you think this would this be possible from the script you made? Iv been looking at both all of today and cant figure out how to add more triangles

It's not much more trouble to string together a triangular grid...should work with any feed of triangular polylines...


Amazing thankyou! I really appreciate it, will def work from your method now!






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