
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

I'm Working on a Curriculum Lectures About Grasshopper and i was wondering a question, 

Whats the Best and easy way to Explain Galapagos, and whats the Better Example ?

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I typically show Circle Fitting as a quick example of how to set up Galapagos. If you want to truly explain how the solver works then you have to start with fitness landscapes. And before you can talk about fitness landscapes you have to talk about phase-spaces. Once people understand how a certain problem ca nbe represented as a multidimensional landscape you can explain how different kind of solvers navigate the landscape in order to find high ground.

ps. one of the benefits of the Circle Fitting example is that it's then relatively easy to extend it to Ellipse Fitting, which makes for a good first exercise.


David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

usually i show a shadow optimization.

just 3 curves rotating and the shadow area as fitness.

I like the minimal bounding box example the most. It's probably the easiest way to use galapagos to reduce production cost (3d printing).

hi Mateusz

could you give the link of these examples?

i really want to learn something about it!!

Also be sure to check out David's excellent blog post on genetic algorithms:






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