
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi all.
I am rather new in the world of grasshopper and I am trying to make parametrized function of a structure that you can see on the image. Are there any ideas from your side or any similar projects that anyone did.
Thank you in advance.

Views: 1679

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What are the parameters you would like to be able to control?

For example, just considering "columns" there are potentially many, many parameters...

Number of columns?
Groups of columns?
Number of groups of columns?
Inclination of columns?
Height of column branch?
First of all thank you for responding.
To start I would have two columns as fixed.
Then I would like to be able to change
1. height of the structure
2. and the size of the bars.
I can also start only in 2D taking the top layer ant give a size of top surface and try to triangulate the surface by changing the size of triangles.
Then I could go in 3D and add the columns and connect them with the structure.






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