
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi all,

Is it possible to make the edge of the geometry or curves transparent when previewing? I could make the geometry faces transparent by using custom preview component and material component but it seems I don't have an option to make the edge or curves transparent. If there is a way I really appreciate to hear.

Thank you,

Views: 2737

Replies to This Discussion

you can make it a mesh and turn display mesh edges off

Thank you Michael,

The method worked fine.

Is this done inside grasshopper? If so, how? The mesh edges part, not turning it into a mesh.

Display Menu : Preview Mesh Edges lets you disable mesh edges in the preview.

Doesn't seem to change anything for me.

Not for me either. It is a problem for me, when I have a surface consisting of a large number of small, rectangular surfaces each assigned with an individual color. The edges end up obscuring the result (see picture). I want the surfaces to function like pixels in a picture.


As Michael suggests in the original response to the question, convert your surfaces to meshes, and then disable Preview Mesh Edges as described above. 

Thanks alot - it worked! I was sure the outlines were drawn by the custom preview and not related to the "normal" preview.

Can we change the color of the edges alone? I want my edges and surfaces of Brep in different colors. Is it possible?






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