
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi there,

I'm learning a tutorial includes Vector Multiply component.

I read some posts here and know Vector Multiply has replaced and Multiplication(AXB) works same.

In this case below photo, Multiplication got run time error to exchange Vector Multiply...

Does anyone knows solution?

Views: 1542


Replies to This Discussion

I think depending on the version of grasshopper that you're using you can't input lines as vectors in components, because lines they are different things:

lines start and end at two points,

vector are defined by having a magnitude (length) and direction, hence unless specified they don't act in any specific point. 

Try to see if you still get the error by decomposing the line in start and end points, and building a two point vector from these points. 

Thank you for your advice Jesus Galvez!

I understand your precise explanation but I can't get any clue how to arrange Decompose and Vector 2pt after PPX...
Can you suggest me example?

Sorry, I think I misled you. When I said "decomposing the line in start and end points", I meant that you use the [End Points] component to get the start and end points of the line. Then use the [Vector 2Pt] component.

What version of gh are you using? I can't find the [Vector X F] component you are using in my version (0.9.0014), which I think is the last build. 

Thank you very much! They perfectly work!
I'm using newest version 0.9.0014 same as you and Multiply component included in the tutorial zip file I downloaded.

Thank you so much.

There are three flavours of vector multiplication:

  • Vector * Number (or Number * Vector). This is handled now by the regular multipication component.
  • Vector · Vector (this is called the Dot Product). There is a special Dot Product component but the regular Multiplication can also handle this.
  • Vector ┴ Vector (this is called the Cross Product). There is a special Cross Product component. The Cross product does not work if the vectors are (anti)-parallel or if at least one of them is zero-length.


David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

Thank you very much for your reply.

I just have started Grasshopper 2 months ago and am still beginner.

What does each symbol mean *,· ,┴?

The * is a typical symbol representing multiplication. The dot is also often used to indicate multiplication but it specifically means Dot Product when applied to vectors. The upside-down T is the symbol for Cross Product, mathematicians also often use ×.


David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

Okay, now I understand it!

Thank you so much for the helpful great lecture!





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