
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Grasshopper 0.7.0035 is available for download.

This release fixes a lot of issues that have been reported over the past month, some of them quite serious. I regret to say there are still some known bugs left though.

There is no major new functionality, but a number of things have changed. Please review this list before you install the new version:

- User Objects are now stored in the User Roaming folder. This should fix a number of account issues with off-limit folders. If you have user objects, I suggest you copy them to a safe location prior to installing 0.7.0035. You can reach the User Object folder via the Grasshopper file menu. Once you've installed 0.7.0035 you can then open the new location via the menu and copy the files back.

- The User Object folder is now synched in real time with the Grasshopper toolbars. Any *.ghuser files added to or removed from the folder will (dis)appear immediately in the toolbars.

- User Objects now maintain their custom icon. If you come across a case where a custom icon is lost, please let me know.

- A new behind-the-scenes display mode has been added to the Grasshopper canvas. In the case of document object display errors, you should no longer see the red-screen-of-death, but the new ultra-paranoid display mode should kick in.

- The icon cache logic has been rewritten, Grasshopper should now use considerably less memory for icon storage. If you run into cases where icons appear messed up, please let me know.

- A totally pointless new object has been added to the Params.Special dropdown.


David Rutten
Robert McNeel & Associates
Poprad, Slovakia

Views: 1163

Replies to This Discussion

Good catch. Found and fixed.

David Rutten
Poprad, Slovakia
Hi David,Great realease!!

I wanna say something about MirrorCurve component .It's not always but this time ,in the picture attached below,if I don't connect the line with a Curve param component,the MirrorCurve component would not give the right output. Defination attached,Thanks.

you see, MirrorCurve will do good job on curve rather than line~~~

Yup, I see it. I'll get it fixed.

ps. Are you sure you want to use the Curve Mirror component? It's actually a deformation rather than a transformation and thus much slower and prone to change the layout of geometry. There is also a proper Mirror component that should be preferred for linear mirrors.

David Rutten
Poprad, Slovakia
Ok, all Morph operations will fail on Lines at the moment. This will be fixed in the next release (probably sometime later today).

David Rutten
Poprad, Slovakia
Thanks for the fix and this info, I will keep this in mind and use Plane Mirror more than Mirror Curve .
I Can Has Cheezburger?
That explains the icon too.. Now there's something to entertain those with kids on the side while they do their fancy wire connecting stuff. Invaluable.
Does this build support Rhino 5, it would be nice to utilize 64bit RAM





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