
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi all, newbie to grasshopper, I have a beginner question, sorry if it has been asked before.

I am looking for a way to convert a curve into linear line segments in grasshopper which equivalent to the convert line comment under curve in Rhino, where you can determine both min length and max length for the lines. I have tried the divide curve in grasshopper, but it only gives equal length segments. Is there any way to achieve the rhino's convert line comment in grasshopper?

thanks in advance. :)

Views: 27491

Replies to This Discussion

This library intalls a component called "Polygonize Curve" (Crv2Poly). You can find it in Curves->Util.

It exposes Rhinos ToPolyline() command. This was meant for internal use only so use with caution.


Thanks Hannes! I will have a try later. It seems it is not as straight forward as I expected.

Learning grasshopper is fun but very challenging

To convert any possible curve to a polyline within a given min and max segment length and a maximum deviation in a usable and meaningful way would involve some kind of iteration. If that is what you mean by "straight forward".

While there are ways to do so, GH isn't built to iterate data. Anyway, what would be the point of building a whole definition to solve, what Rhino already does with a single command.





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