
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

I posted previously about having no clue how to accomplish my current project in my architecture program. I needed to write a Grasshopper script and I admit I have nearly zero experience in Grasshopper. 

I have a substantial amount of help from another member of the community, but I find myself stuck again. 

I cannot get my hexagons to rotate in the XZ and YZ directions. I am not even sure what module I would use for that. 
It was suggested that I rotate the planes before I actually create the hexagons, and in that scenario I encounter the same issue. I am not sure what module to use for that. 

I am going to attach the two scripts I am working with right now. The one below the first is my current one. There is a hole where the rotation should be occurring, though. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
If you have not seen my first post, this is what I am attempting to accomplish:And these were the great instructions I was given originally:
"Reply by Andrew Kudless yesterday


Try this:

1. On each point place a XY plane

2. Rotate each plane in XZ and in YZ by random amounts (make sure you have different seeds in the random component)

3. Use the Polygon component to make a Hexagon on each plane. Use a new random component (with a new seed) for the diameter of the hexagons. Use a domain component and sliders to set the minimum and maximum random diameters.

4. You can make the curves into solids in a couple of ways:

4a. Input the hexagon curves into a planar surface component to make flat surfaces. Next extrude the surface in the direction normal to the plane to make a solid


4b. Extrude the hexagon curves in a direction normal to each plane. Then use "Cap Planar Holes" to make the extruded surfaces into solids. "

If anyone can help me with my most current issue, that would be extremely helpful.

Thank you,

Views: 645


Replies to This Discussion

Lots of ramdom here. You can replace the Pop3D with any points you have.



This script is incredible. I don't know exactly what you did, but the result is absolutely beautiful. I think it is amazing what you did with the vectors. I was struggling with all the planes I had and I understand that you used a lot of random number generators, which you tied to a domain. I think it is ingenious. 

Thank you so much for your help I am learning a lot from your script, 

Kevin Miller






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