
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Need Help in distribtuting several Polyline assortments

Hello! I am in need of help regarding to the attached grasshopper file.

My Problem is:

I want to copy a series of Different Polyline assortments to points on a Grid. The Problem is I have far more Points to copy to than I have Polyline Assortments ( Only 4-8 or so).

So how can I make grasshopper make it to copy my Polyline Assortments to all Points on the grid. In an ideal way they are also randomly shuffled and I could also take percentage priorities for the Polyline Assortments so that some appear more often etc.

Thanks in Advance


Views: 707


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I would suggest that rather than build your curves in one place and move them to another, just build all of your curves around the center points of your new grid of cells.

It's pretty easy to come up with a rough weighting scheme that will let you variably assign the number of polygon sides...then you can use jitter to shuffle their order to achieve a randomized effect.

Hello David!

Thanks for your quick reply! But I think I misspelled my problem a bit. The generated polygons on the left side are just dummies for imported polyline geometries. Not generated by grasshopper in anyway. And not made by me in any way either ;-) 

So I think your solution will only work with those generated polygons, or?



Aha.  The logic can stay quite similar...instead of building them up from scratch, you do implement the move:


Thank You! I will take a look into it after Lunch ;-) 

Hi David!

Your definition isnt working for my Approach. All The polylines I get as input are bundled together and should be copied as a bundle. I tried a few things as grafting the lists and afterwards flip the lists but this had no good results for me so far.

Maybe you ( or anybody else here reading has an better Idea!) I attached the reworked definition.

Thanks in advance, ill be off for a few hours now, I have to take my littlle son and let hin play in the snow.




try getting the centerpoints for each collection of curves first and then use the "group"  function under transform->utility before moving them around.


Wow! Thank you very much! It works! Now I just have to understand it ;-) 






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