
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi everyone, 

I'm encountering a problem that I don't know if it can be fixed, attached you can find an image. I have a surface with several holes, then i have populated that surface (PopGeo) and created a voronoi pattern from these points, but I would like the pattern not to appear where there is no surface. In other words, I would like the voronoi just to form on the green surface :) 

Does anybody have any idea what i can do? 

Thanks so much!

Views: 1344


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Doesn't the contaiment box option on the Voronoi component work???

You would have to make a surface from the rectangle with the holes, then extrude it a bit in order to make the box, and then input it in the contaiment box option of the Voronoi component.

Hi! Thank you for your quick response! I tried that but i got the same result.. I'm trying to upload a photo of the definition but somehow the discussion board is not letting me upload any images.. do you happen to know why?

It works now :) 


Here is a picture of what happens..


You're right its not working! It seems to work only if the holes are rectangular. 

You'll have to use Trim with Region. I've manage to do so as a step by step process involving each of the holes you want to trim againts. You have 12 holes so you'd have to do what I did 12 times... which is kinda lame. 

Try tweeking it with graf and or flatten to see if you can do it all in one step. 

Have fun!


Okayyy!! I see what you did, let me try!! Thanks so much for your help! :)







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