
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

I start with more than one brep and more than one planes per brep.

See screenshot.

I am able to do a section so the planes belonging to the first brep only intersect the first brep and the planes belonging to the second brep only intersect the second brep.

The list the Sec function outputs isn't usefull to me. I would like to create a list that looks like the plane-list (see screenshot). In the plane-list the planes are grouped by brep. I would like to group the poly curves in the list that is created by the sec function in the same way.

So how do I put the poly curves that belong to the same brep in the same branch?

Views: 383


Replies to This Discussion

Hi AU,

When you intersect a Brep with a Plane, you can end up with any number of open and closed intersection curves. So even a single Plane can give you 58 section curves. This is why the output of Section has been 'fragmented'. If you do not care about this additional information, then you can simplify the data by simply removing the third path index. I.e.:

David Rutten
Poprad, Slovakia
Thanks David,

I already managed to organize the data in a way I could use it, but the pathmapper would have been much easier. I first flattened the output after which I used series and list items to reorganize. Not that subtle.

BTW, I needed this to determine the height of a floor in a cell, based on the area of the floor.
PathMapper is awesome, but not particularly easy to wrap your head around. :)

David Rutten
Poprad, Slovakia

top: Get Nurbs Surface Control points
bottom: Offset Surface Loose

David Rutten
Poprad, Slovakia
It looks like there's also an _EdgeSrf component.
Oh yeah, missed that one...





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