
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

hi all,

can any one help me with the problem?

i need to check if 
a number of points is inside (included in) 
a number of closed co-planar crvs.

"brep inclusion" (going a solid-based workaround) is a waste of resources here and gets pretty tricky:
"trim inclusion" also doesn't seem to help. 

thanks in advance,
best, frank

Views: 1812

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just use the containment component which his new in 0.7 (flyout curve/analysis)
ok, thanks, great.

i am still on 0.6. this is agood reason to switch...

0.7 is great. thanks david!

i still have a problem with "multiple pts" in "multiple crvs" inclusion.

i attached a screenshot of a definition using the containment component which works fine with a single closed crv as input. i need to check if a number of pts is inside a °variable number of closed crvs°.

can anyone give me a direction on this?

thanks in advance.

(hopefully) bigger screenshot here
since i am still stuck with this one:
can anyone figrure out a solution for the problem described above?
any hints much appreciated!

david's suggestion in this thread seams to deal with a similar problem. however i do not get it to work. it involves grafting and mass adding ...

problem: the inclusion is only solved for the first of serveral crvs. how can i make the def solve inclusion for all crvs?

thanks in advance,

Hello, let the trees to the work... Do not flatten the point tree, send that directly to the containment component. After you make the circles, graft those into a tree.

hmmm, after some tests it seems to break in certain situations...for example, try to make the circles bigger...
hi luis,

thanks for the reply.

actually my screenshot shows only a small definition where i tried to isolate the problem + i didn't what rhino geometry involved. in the end i don't mean to use circles and they don't derive from that point grid.
i would need this issue to work with an arbitary amount of points and curves with a unspecific path struture...

BTW: i have got the impression that the "containment" component breaks a bit the logic of "normal" GH components. same seams to be true for "BRep inclusion".

"Solid difference" for example will checks a number of A vs. a number of B, cross-referencing all inputs.

maybe i am missing something here...







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