
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

URGENT, I need an expert on grasshopper (PAID WORK - towers)

EDIT:  Sorry ! Already found a solution, feel free to watch the images at the end tho :p

I´ve been working on renders for a competition and they where just about ready today, but my computer got stolen , I lost all of my work (at least the 3d modeling)

And I frankly if I want to participate I´ll need to finnish up the board and i cant do the renders on my own I need more time , but  I only have until 11:59 pm of July 6 to finnish up one render, if you feel up to the challenge, whoever completes it will receive 290 dollars (its all I can give) to any account you want. I basically need one single image.

It consists on 3 towers, with an organic facade, I'm including the competition board I had saved on in my dropbox, I want more or less the same perspective shown on the left of the board.

Sorry, but i'm desperate, I had it all done but well cant control everything in life i guess, only do it if you feel you can pull off a professional render.

Thanks. (contact me and I´ll give you more info on the towers, I was able to save some limited sections and floor plans .... but yeah.. limited, so you´ll have to base your work on the images I provide here.

I can give some files now, including images of the physical model.


Physical model:

Hope its enough, I'm also including one image i had where I explored the footprints of all the buildings, but its just for reference.

I know theres barely enough time to finnish it... but I dont know what else to do, do you guys think i should probably just take a good photograph of the model and run with that? I feel that would probably look very unprofessional :l but I really dont have a choice here

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Is this good enough?

Looks promising but better not waste time on it, sorry, I´ll take this down, truth is theres 24 hours left and I decided to just photoshop on top of the physical model image, since no one can really finnish up a proper render in that time >.>

Sorry !, I`ll show you the end result if you want, but yeah sorry I just had to move quickly :P

Thanks a lot tho, you did a great job for such a small time o.o... I'm assuming thats a photo manipulation, right? cause doesn't look like a render , unless i'm wrong, in that case thats impressive for less than a day o.o

Modelling + rendering roughly under 2 hours lol :D

Oh well I know it's not accurate enough anyway so I'm not entirely happy about it myself. Good luck to your project :)

I think your physical model looks professional enough btw.

Thank you !, I´ll be adding the facade on the other towers right now, in fact heading out to rent a laser cutter :P, damn those things are expensive >.> .. it´ll be a looooong night xP





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