
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

I am using GH version Jan-22end 2012. I tried the sample codes in GH Primer 2nd Edition. Lots of the Types and Commands in the samples are not recognized by GH, such as OnLine, On3dPoint, OnUtil, etc.

This makes me suspect the Primer 2nd Edition, written in 2009, is alrady outdated. Is this true? If so, where can I find up-to-date teaching material on Grasshopper VB? Not just generic VB syntax.

Thanks in advance.

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yes it is note it is for version .6 and we are almost in version .9

Classes that start with "On", "MRhino" and "IRhino" are part of the Rhino_DotNET SDK. Grasshopper no longer uses that one, it uses the new RhinoCommon SDK. RhinoCommon quite different, it's not just a manner of changing the names of classes.

Grasshopper has its own SDK, the helpfile for which can be downloaded via the Grasshopper help menu. RhinoCommon has its own SDK documentation. For more information please see our Wiki:


David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia


What would be a good source for learning the basic syntax  and commands in the up-to-date Grasshopper. I am not a code developer, but rather an architect interested in seeing results in Rhino quickly.







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