
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


I try to select cells which are inside b rep like on the drawing above.

this dont have to be super precise

i used center point of cell and than chacked if it is inside brep or not.

it worked for me but know for unknown reason some mistakes appeared. 

so i dont have any idea why cells which are so far from brep are still selected.

If somebody have any idea why this is happenig pleas give me I hint.



Views: 2867


Replies to This Discussion

Hello karol! my rhino have crased two times openning your files, maybe because my pc...Best

Hi Lucas,

thank you for trying this.

rhino file works fine and then it crash on gh definition?

if thats the case I  reduced number of points so it should be easier for your pc.

sorry i should think about it in advance:)






thank for your replay,

please attach definition if you could. I am not used to this icon look of componets that is why it is not so easy to understnad what you did.

and by the way with populating points it was working ok as you can see on first image.

later i introduce controled points pattern. so it is good to have a look on definition

your definition takes entirely to long to open, you can use any points it does not matter, the component you seek is called in/out

I uploaded definition which should open fast in replay to lucas comment.

moreover i use this componet in my definition... and it does not work as it was working.

I dont know why



the reson it is not working as expected is your brep is open, use a closed brep.

do you know why some cells are open be reps and rest is closed?

I dont get it;(

I tryed to use cap holes component but it was not working...

I mean the brep you are using as a "container" it is open

container is closed. "cap holes" works good for it.

see here I used a closed sphere, also I suggest you "cull pattern" the points first then make the voronoi3d, as I have done here, It is a faster definition.

got it. it better indeed. thanks for that.

but problem remains:( 

i tested it just for points and points are selected outide brep as well..





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