
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


I am trying to do a solid intersect between a) a simple extruded flat rectangular surface and b) a series of extruded circular-swept surfaces (in order to crop the circular-swept surfaces), but whenever I do a solid intersect of the two sets of geometry, it seems to leave out random objects in the process (right-hand side of the grasshopper file). How can I fix this?

Also, I am trying to morph the intersected gemoetry (above) along a certain referenced surface (shown in the grasshopper file on the bottom right), but neither a surface morph or box morph process seem to work for me. I'm not sure if it is due the nature of the solid I am trying to morph (it is split into ~160 pieces), or I am just doing it completely incorrectly, but any help on getting this to work would be greatly appreciated :).


Carl Madsen


grasshopper curves

rhino surfaces

Views: 982

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Solid intersect works with solid objects, A flat surface is not a solid object. Either extrude the surface then intersect or trim the flat surface with curves from the circular swept surfaces

Hi Michael,

Both of the geometries were extruded, but I did find a solution nonetheless: it seemed to be an issue with the join in the solids as a result of the rail sweep. So instead of intersecting the side where the joins were, I intersected the other side and just flipped it.

Do you have any suggestions on how to morph this onto another surface? I can't seem to get box morph or surface morph to work.








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