
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi there,

Is there an easy way to multiply out a shape and then have it restricted to a certain area? So draw a closed spline and tell it to stop multiplying once it reaches that spline?

If this has been answered could you point me in the right direction?



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i dont fully understand your question but if you aim for a recursive process you could go with hoopsnake component.

Thanks for the reply pyrit,

No im not looking for a recursive process sorry. It's more like say I drew a closed circle and that was the boundary to hold another shape (say a diamond) and when the diamonds get resized they stay within the boundary of the circle.

I may have terms very wrong in this post but I'm not tooooo sure how to explain it.. Let me know if this makes sense 

Like Pyrit mentions you could use Hoopsnake but if you wanted to do it with just grasshopper then doing the whole process for a range that encompasses the criteria and then cull everything that doesn't conform would be the only alternative.

I think you are on the right track Danny, have a look at my response to pyrit. Hopefully it clears some things up! I'm not sure how to set this up in GH






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