
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Data Tree - Select several Groups of Points to draw Polylines/Curves

Hi everybody,


first of all i have to say that i´m working with grasshopper just since the last weeks and it makes really fun. I also have to thank all people for all the great *.ghx Files around to explore Grasshopper, it´s really a great help.


I´m working on a architectural Project and want to built some glasdomes. I did already a loftet surface out of nurbscurves (this as a simplification of catenary lines).


Now i stuck in the real handling of the DataTree. I understood the need and meaning of them and also the way the path´s work. But now i´d like to generate new geometry out of the points of my DataTree.


As you can see in the file there are three types uf polyline/curves i want to draw. How could i now draw all these lines in one step. Meaning like i would bake the three polylines, the shift the whole data tree, bake again,...


in the end the structure of the whole dome sould look like this:



i´m very thankfull for every tip, thanks a lot

greets Marc

Views: 888


Replies to This Discussion

Hi there,

I've written something for you, you may what to take a look how the path mapper works, sometimes it helps a lot. The shift operation is pretty tricky there, because currently in what I wrote, I have fed 11 branches into the shift, then feed 11 numbers (0,1,2,3....10) to it, so the elements in each branch has a different shift.

the path mapper usually handles most problems about tree structure.

Hi Victor,

thanks a lot for your Help. I didn´t know how to use the Path Mapper, but it´s a really handy tool
. Till now i did some Solutions with Lists (List Item / Shift List, etc) which worked in the end, but ecame quite complicated. I´ll update my Dome as soon as a have the time with the PathMapper. I need to design also the Rest of the Building ;-) ... As soon as i have another nice Step ißll post it...

Thanks again, cheers






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