
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hey all,

I'm new to grashopper and this is my first post to this discussion group, so forgive me for any sort of mistake and stupid questions:)

I made a polar array of closed splines within a circle, distributed with a slider.

I've made intervals from a series, using shift command. It's all fine but one; the last interval wraps to the very first, so it includes all the numbers in the series. I've been struggling for the past hour to fix this, but the hardwired solution I found makes the code meaninglessly long:/

I'm not sure if I was able to explain the situation correctly, so I'm attaching the file. You'll notice the oddity as soon as you see it :)

So I have two questions,

1) How can I fix this?

2) Is there a more efficient way to get the result I want, because my code seems kinda long?

Thanks in advance,


Views: 1338


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First, you need to make sure your Shifted list doesn't wrap: set false to the W input.

Then you need to stop GH from making an invalid domain. Right click on the Domain and select shortest list option.

Hannes, thanks for the reply.

However this doesn't seem to solve the problem for me :/

I guess it's because domain A has 12 values and B has 11.

Am I missing something?



If you set the domain to do shortest list, it should match the first 11 values from A to the 11 from B and return 11 domains.

By default it's set to longest list, which gives you an empty domain at the end because A12 gets matched to B11.

Hi Kerem,

I send you the problem solved. I think so...

Imagine you have to make a flower, so you have to weave the petals. First you need to have the even and odd petals and then weave both.

I thought it was easier but it was a bit tricky. Perhaps there is an easy way. I've tried to build a generic definition.

Be careful with "flatten" and to have the same number of points to weave.

Good luck !!!


Sorry for the late reply. I just found time to check this. Thanks Alberto, The file you sent served me as a really good source to learn, and I fixed my problem.

Take care,







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