
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


With Gh I created several mesh quads. I would like to put textures on them in Rhino to make a render but I can't do that. With quads I made in Rhino it works but with quads from GH it doesnt. i dont see the difference.
Actually I cant even create mesh quads directly in GH. First I have to create surfaces then I convert them to meshes.
What is wrong with these meshes?
Can you help me on this?

Views: 2722


Replies to This Discussion

GH doesn't support textures. Any GH geometry would need to be baked and the texture maps assigned in Rhino.

You can assign colors and materials to objects in GH that will translate to Rhino after baking with the ModeTools plug-in.
Sorry maybe it wasnt really clear.
I baked the geometry and wanted to put textures on them in Rhino (actually with Vray) but didnt work.
With Nurbs it works but not with meshes.
Actually I discovered that those meshes which I baked didnt have any normals. So I rebuilt them but texturing still didnt work.
Hi Southpole,

Nurbs always have texture coordinates because every nurbs surface is guaranteed to be a deformation of a single rectangular plane. Meshes are not that limited in their topology so they required specifically assigned texture coordinates.

There are some scripts and plugins for Rhino that assign TCs on meshes, and of course you can use the [Texture Mapping] editor in Object Properties to assign a specific mapping type.

There is no reason why Grasshopper couldn't make meshes with texture coordinates, except that I didn't write the code for this yet.

David Rutten
Poprad, Slovakia
Thank you David.
Now I can assign textures but since I have 1000 randomly placed meshes I had to adjust texture coordinates for every mesh separately. Don't you know any free scripts for this?
How do you want to apply these texture coordinates? What do your meshes look like?

David Rutten
Poprad, Slovakia
So here is my GH file and the texture. I would like this leaf texture to appear on every mesh quad.
I attached a RhinoScript that assigns texture coordinates to Meshes that consist of quads.

You may need to change the order of the Texture Coordinates (the T array) if the textures are coming out at the wrong angle.

David Rutten
Poprad, Slovakia
Thank you very much. This was a big help for me.
I needed to change the order of the last two coordinates and then it worked.
Slowly I will learn vb scripting... :)
Thanks a lot.






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