
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi all,

not sure what's wrong with me today, but I seem to be unable to solve this problem:

I have a surface (generated by Grasshopper) and I'm trying to align circles to it.

For some reason, it gets the wrong vectors at the points.

I've tried several options, but none of them successful thusfar...

Any ideas? I've attached the Rhino and grasshopper files and a screenshot.

cheers, Anja

Views: 3171


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try this


Hey, great, thanks! That worked.

I'm not sure though, why I first need to find closest point to Brep (which I did), and afterwards again a closest point to the surface. Could you explain why this is?

Srf CP outputs a UVP, where as Brep CP only outputs Point. UV is a coordinate system specific to surfaces this is needed for evaluating a surface properly. Evaluate surface is asking for a UV.

Thanks John, I understand :)






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