
algorithmic modeling for Rhino


      I was working with a continous surface, I wanted to make subsurfaces on it and some objects or opening on each surface, But when I am trying to assign this main continuous surface to the Input surface, the surface component is not accepting it,.. I understood that its not considering it because its not like a surface with edges,..
So how do I work with these continuous surfaces, Can anyone suggest me any tutorials or other software which i can look into,..
See the image if necessary

Thank you all

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you have modeled that geometry with t-splines am i am right?
so you have to convert it to nurbs first and than you get additional surfaces not only one ;)
Ya Its a Tspline model,.. i converted it into Rhino mesh too(if that is wat u ment by nurbs ???), then it gave me some 6 attached surfaces,... But i want to apply a pattern which flows uniformly on the whole surface,..How can i do that,.?
Any more suggestions,..?
You could take your polysuface, section it, and re-loft it as a single surface. Your klein-bottle like surface must have originally had a seam somewhere.

Otherwise, with multiple surfaces, you would have to figure out a way to tile your surface pattern.
hi voronoiii
you can have a pattern flow on the whole surface......
so after convert t-spline to nurbs you have in your case 6 parametrical defined surfaces where you can apply a pattern script. important is you have to figure out a script which can handle more as one surface for applying your pattern and you sub D your surfaces with a defined edge length... the other way is you work as you mentioned with a mesh and generate the pattern with faces and apply a catmull-clark subD after creating your model(the shape would be a little smaller due to the smoothing process).... let me see your process i am curious
Thanks Taz and Thomas.

@Thomas - Wow, looks like you figured it out,.. but I have zero knowledge about scripting,.. just started working with GH and Tspl since 2-3months and its very exciting,.. Looks like these continuous surfaces work differently from other normal surfaces with edges,.. even the 'flowalongsurface' command in rhino is not able to accept this continuous surface for applying a patterns,..At this point im not really understanding how to go about with this, I will look into scripting. but i really appreciate your response,..Thanks a lot.
hey voronoiii

thanks, so when i talk about scripting it's not a must to use vb or c# i think it should also be possible to achieve it with components which is also a graphical scripting
so give it a try and you will also learn a lot about gh... keep us updated






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