
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

hello everybody, and Please teach me.

Solving this big problem has a big meaning for me.

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sorry for my bad english.

yes the second that you say,and why you organize the input data of hoopsnake with a list of three branches 1 branch
2 branches
3-line with zero length

First branch B1 stores the number of connections allowed for each point , 2nd one B2 stores the points, 3rd one B3 stores the created connections.

B1[i]=number of remaining allowed connections for point B2[i] so B1[i]<=0 means no new connections allowed for point i ,so  point i is deleted from B1, B2 updated accordingly.


B1: max number of connections x number of points

B2: all the points

B3: nothing (well null or something, need to create the branch)


Get first point in B2, get his allowed number of connections N in B1, find N closest points in B2, create lines in B3, update  B2 accordingly. Erase points with max connections (including the first point)


Stop when no points available

At end of loop, B3 stores the created lines.

Thanks a lot Sistemiq now i understand :)





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