
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Dear Users,


some of you have reported problems with running certain menu items via the shortcuts. I've attached a special build of the Grasshopper.dll that logs a lot of the stuff that goes on during key-presses. Please follow the instructions below to help me debug this problem:


  1. Make sure Rhino is not running.
  2. Find your Grasshopper install folder (you can search your computer for grasshopper.dll if you have no idea where to start).
  3. Rename the file called "grasshopper.dll" to "grasshopper_old.notadll".
  4. Download the file attached to this post, unzip it and put the "grasshopper.dll" inside of it next to the one you just renamed.
  5. Restart Rhino and try to call a menu-item using the shortcut keys. If it doesn't work, close down Rhino+Grasshopper.
  6. The log file should be opened automatically (it will be located on the desktop). Either copy/paste or attach this log file as a response to this post.


Note that the version number of this dll is higher than the most recent public release. So unless you see 0.8.0054 on the banner, the replacement was not successful.


When done testing, you can delete the "grasshopper.dll" file you added and rename the old one to get back to normal.






David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

Views: 5448


Replies to This Discussion

any news about the bug?


Nope, nothing. But I've been away on a business trip and am only now getting back into coding.



David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

Thanks for your answer David!

I was happy to see a new update today, but the bug still persists.

And now I don't even have ctrl+y either.

Thanks again and regards,


Hei, I followed your instructions but it still doesn't work.

best regards,




Hei, I downloaded the latest release (61) and now ctrl+z works, but not ctrl+y

regards, martin

You can re-enable it in the preferences. I still haven't been able to find the bug, or why it seems to be limited to Undo/Redo...


David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia



Not sure if this is helpful but since the quick update of 0.80061 my shortcuts work again in GH. Also, as a side note 0.80061 isn't listed in downloads / latest build

"...since the quick update of 0.80061 my shortcuts work again in GH."

Probably just dumb luck so far. I haven't fixed anything in this area so I doubt the bug has gone away.

" a side note 0.80061 isn't listed in downloads / latest build"

Right, I always forget to update that page. Thanks, I'll get around to it. 


David Rutten

Poprad, Slovakia

Hi David,

I noticed that the shortcut-bug is still present in my 0.90010... Also I noticed that whenever I press a key the Rhino window highligths (just as if I select it)... I haven't the disappearence of the shortcuts (they are still in Edit Menu and in the Preference).

The bug appeared suddendly, after a few day of work and a single crash (in fact my fault, as laptop run over battery power so shut down, Rhino generated the autosave file and grasshopper on restart told me that the .ghx was related to an autosave rhino file that I had to save).

It seems that if the "blinking cursor" (the one that lights where you are writing) is not active in GH, like if you do CTRL+Z, CTRL+X etc operations, then when you press any key it is written in Rhino command line. Also if you press "12345" for example. So according to me you have to always "lock" the blinking cursor to GH when the GH window is highlighted.

But I don't know if it's so "simple" as I figured out here. :) 

Thank You, 

Umberto Saggio

Do you have the MS Office Language Bar running. (you can tell by the language being displayed in the lower right hand corner of your screen in the windows Task Bar - e.g. English is EN)

If so What is the current Language showing?

Hi Danny, 

in fact I have no language bar running, don't manage to have it and don't know why :(.

But going through Control Panel, my input default language is Italian... Is this information helpful? should I have EN?

Thank you






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