
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Hi, I have this definition of a tiling on a surface, using surface morph (for continuity). 


Now, I'd like to vary the height of the tiles from one side of the surface to the other, from 100% to 0%, or the step before 0 actually, as I understand that surface morph doesn't like 0 height.


I came quite close using a range with n=total amount of tiles, and connecting that to surface morph W, but I was actually getting every single tile at all my height steps (yeah - it got slow).


Hope someone knows the answer!

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I think your solution is ok.. for every sub-surface (12x16 in your image) you can use a different height (W input), so maybe the problem is the data structure of the list, try to flatten the height list or something like that.


if that doesnt work, try duplicate the geo and the box for every sub-surface(12x16).

Hi Manuel,

I think I tried every possible combination of flattening, grafting and simplifying (all of which I hardly understand what they do by the way) but I didn't get it to work...

there is another problem, you're missing the sub.surfaces...

Excellent - got it to work, mainly by diligently copying your definition :)


But, I'm very proud to say, I figured out a way to step the height per row, so all bumps in one row are the same height. Not sure if it's the smartest way to do it, but it worked!


Hi Michiel i want to know what is (dom)

i cannot Find It

I didn't try but could be  this ?

Deconstruct domain²






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