
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Sometimes we have free time, and we read the Grasshopper forum very often, and we try to offer solutions, or ask questions, or just chime in. But then sometimes, we get busy and we cannot read the forum for many days or weeks, and we feel like we are missing out on something that is very fun and fascinating. 

We need someone... someone to become a Grasshopper journalist. This Edward-Murrow-of-Generative-Modeling would send out a newsletter of all the most relevant grasshopper discussions, so that we can all stay abreast. They would do the culling for those of us who cannot cull.

A true life horror story: I looked over my friends shoulder yesterday, and he was on a previous version... a version without Undo... of course we loved Grasshopper even without Undo. But then, cast unto the valley of the Ruttenites was the bright light of Undo. That day, I saved my friend. I saved him with the healing waters of Undo. This man had not read the forum in many months, and had fallen...  okay, I'm sorry, this is just silly. 

I'm just venting because every time school starts I can't play Grasshopper all day...

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we have that feeling too... but not only with GH

there-s too much out there
andrea graziano does a very nice job with his letter of news :)
though i admit i would like to see it getting published more often...
Hey Dimitrie,
really thx!
i'll try to post "news" more often!
Yes, I was thinking this too. There are several places you could have an RSS feed of the forums (ipod, outlook, some other Rss reader). Its a quick way of seeing what is going on...p.s. thanks for the laugh Chris!
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