
algorithmic modeling for Rhino



I'm working on generating random tubes inside a geometry.

I managed to draw a spline through random points inside a sphere.

Is it possible to Repeat that operation, so i get another spline without 

copying the whole operation? Because if I want to have like 100 different splines it

would be a lot of work manually. It would be perfect if theres a way to change the random seed and preserve the geometry generated with the old seed.


thank you for your help



Views: 942

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You can have multiple random seeds:

If the rest of your definition manages the data trees correctly, mutliple random seeds should give you multiple splines.

Thanks! Thats just what i needed! Have a nice day sir!

It doesn't work properly. It won't draw the second curve. How can i manage the data? What am i doing wrong?






plug a Series into the 'S'.  Use the 'C' on the Series to control how many lines there are.  If you have several Random components, you can use different step size on the Series so the seeds are different for every one.  Use the 'N' on the Random to control how many points make up each curve.

Thank you! Now it is working.





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