
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

i would like to have something like a spiral through 8 lists of points.

how could this be done?

i tried with weaving/pick-and-choose but that was a very clumsy setup...



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thank you chris!

i have some more questions though:

what do you need the second list item-component for? how can you flatten the E-output?

my definition looks as follows and i get the spiral only until 360° but not further.

sorry, it is hard for me to understand the data handling...


The second list item component is unnecessary...I should have deleted it.   Flattening the E-output is an option in 0.8.0050.  I'm looking into the multi spiral issue.  I missed that in the original post.



Here the spiral wraps twice.. but it's still not a general solution.



Here's my general solution.




Hi Chris,


I stumbled upon this and its been enormously helpful - thank you.

I'm wondering if it would be possible to modify the definition so that a new spiral starts at the base of each curve, forming a corkscrew of sorts.


I've attached the files I'm working with.  I feel like the solution is simple, but for some reason I can't wrap my head around it.

Thanks in advance!



Here's an builds spirals starting at the base of all the base curves using a relative tree item + a shift component to make lines which are then flattened and joined, from which vertices are extracted for interpolated curves.  If you just want one of the spirals you can pick it out with a list item.


bravo, thanks a lot both of you!

how can one learn this?

Practice, trial and error, hours... :)

Same experience here.








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