
algorithmic modeling for Rhino

Extrusions with voronoi tessellations extracted from an already extruded grid...


I was wondering how could i extract the center points of the already extruded grid, generate a voronoi mesh (through those center points) and then apply the same extrusion heights to the voronoi mesh....(since i am planing to use kangaroo physics simulation on those center points..)


Here is the file that i am working on....

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If you make a voronoi from the grid centerpoints you recreate the grid. I don't get it.

For now it will be a grid ... but since i am gonna use kangaroo spring component , those points will shift from their original grid position, this is when the voronoi tessellation comes in... here is the whole definition too...


Reduce the number of iterations from the slider at the start, if the definition gets heavier

I tried baking and reusing the whole procedure again... but it dint work...and once the points move its hard to track them, so as to assign the extrusion vector...
A bit updated file ...but still not working...
I dont think I understand what your problem is, but you can take a look at the attachment.
Thanks Systemiq,


i checked the file that you attached to your post... the extrusion part is done, and the only thing remains is applying the colours to the extruded geometry,, like in the previous part of the definition



Like in the image below,


Although i dint use kangaroo as yet... since it will make the file even heavier, but i just move the points using random component to observe the difference between the previous square grid and voronoi subdivision


I tried using the same technique as the previous one, to use list item and preview component but it dint work...


Also i reduced the iteration from 720 to 25, the file will be lighter to work on...

Simply flatten the S input of the Custom Preview component.

Thanks alot Systemiq... It worked :)







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